75 Ideas for Good

A few weeks back we asked The Ridge Church (in Columbus GA) to help us come up with some ideas for ways to Do Good in our community. We were thinking (and hoping) we would get 10-15 “projects” that we could all rally around in the coming weeks.  What didn’t expect was SEVENTY FIVE (actually more are coming in every day)!

So…..now we hope these serve as an inspiration to you.  If you’d like to be a part of The Good Works Project……Just pick one (or several) and Do Something Good this week. If you have an idea you’d like us to add to the list, hit us up on Facebook, send an email, or go HERE and let us know what you’re thinking.  We would LOVE to hear your ideas!

Here you go……

  1. Buy the meal for the person behind you in line at the drive thru.

  2. Small groups/journey groups to visit nursing homes once a month.

  3. Mail cards to people randomly – thinking of you, get well, sympathy, in times of trouble, congratulations.

  4. Give a stranger a hug.

  5. Leave a bigger tip at a local food joint.

  6. Encourage a teen to do something good.

  7. Sign up to run or walk a race for charity.

  8. Buy a coffee for a co-worker.

  9. Smile at everyone you talk to.

  10. Tell a family member you love them every day for a week.

  11. Show the mail or UPS delivery person appreciation.

  12. Do yard work for someone who is sick.

  13. Provide a meal for new moms.

  14. Baby sit for a family.

  15. Contribute to a food bank.

  16. Compliment a stranger every day.

  17. Take breakfast to one or more of the local fire stations.

  18. Offer to grocery shop for a neighbor who has small children or who has a lot going on.

  19. Offer to drive a friend’s children to school and activities for a day or a week to give them a break.

  20. Pay off lunch charges for a child at a local school.

  21. Take ice cream to people in nursing homes who may not have family close by.

  22. Deliver food and water to the homeless on the riverwalk.

  23. Choose a local charity to assist in helping them grown in their mission.

  24. Treat homeless people like people – have a genuine conversation with them.

  25. Gather up old sports equipment we have and donate to young people in need.

  26. Tape quarters to drink and snack machines around town or at washers/dryers at a laundromat.

  27. Thank a teacher – your teacher or your child’s teacher.

  28. Hand out blankets to the homeless.

  29. Buy school supplies for teachers.

  30. Bring cookies, snacks, food to nursing staff at hospitals.

  31. Visit people in a nursing home

  32. Offer rides to chemo/dialysis patients.

  33. Offer rides to Mercy Med patients.

  34. Start fund for grocery cards for the elderly.

  35. Cook meals for the elderly.

  36. Make “goodwill” bags for the homeless community. Bags can include toiletries, socks, and a handwritten prayer.

  37. Make dinner for another family.

  38. Hand out water at the park to walkers/runners.

  39. Help at Feeding the Valley Food Bank with creating backpacks of food for children so they will have food for the weekends.

  40. Buy groceries for a needy family for a week.

  41. When traveling, leave a small treat (Michael’s, Dollar Tree has lots of things to choose from) in the hotel room to say thanks to the one who cleans up behind you.

  42. Plan/pay for a birthday party for a child whose family couldn’t afford to do so.

  43. Organize a flag football game for underprivileged youth.

  44. Clean up the river.

  45. Donate hygiene products to a nursing home (they always need shampoo, soap, deodorant, socks)

  46. Send cards to a nursing home during the entire year.

  47. Help a sick child in need of special medical equipment.

  48. Send notes of encouragement.

  49. Adopt a family in need.

  50. Bring thank you packages to teachers.

  51. Take young children to visit nursing homes to play games.

  52. Go to an animal shelter and love some animals.

  53. Visit hospice care.

  54. Send books and magazines to cancer center for people getting their chemo.

  55. Partner with a family with an autistic child to help with their needs.

  56. Bring a meal to a struggling family.

  57. Find a person who is lonely, alone, widowed, single and take a walk with them.

  58. Volunteer at a ball field – field maintenance or concessions.

  59. Bring nurses care packages (treats, bath bombs, or thank you notes

  60. Collect rain jackets and umbrellas for the homeless

  61. Bring thank you packages to police stations.

  62. Help a military spouse (whether their spouse is deployed or not).

  63. Participate in a House of Heroes workday.

  64. Visit people who are sick.

  65. Take your neighbors trash can to their house on trash day.

  66. Volunteer with the special needs population.

  67. Volunteer with Local Parks and Recreation (tennis, swimming, bowling)

  68. Donate hygiene kits for the homeless.

  69. Take Chick-fil-A to a person waiting at the bus stop.

  70. Deliver a rose to 12 people (male and females) to show they are loved.

  71. Deliver treats to local EMT’s.

  72. Make it a habit to always let someone merge in traffic.

  73. Write a note to a young person letting them know how proud you are of the way they are living their life.

  74. Write notes of encouragement to potential job applicants – who are living in local shelters or enrolled in job training programs.

  75. Work with local HS to provide nice graduation clothes to needy or “at risk” kids.


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