GWP Foundation
An important part of our mission is the Good Works Project Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt, public charity.
In fact, this is where all of the heavy lifting is done.
Our Foundation’s mission and activity are centered around three major areas:
Serving those in need.
Helping organizations that do good works.
Creating compelling media and public service campaigns to promote a life of active service to others.
That’s it. We’re going to help people who need it, support worthy organizations, and promote the idea that everyone can do some good.
We also want to help others (both individuals & organizations) make their project ideas come to life, so we’re all ears for new & creative project ideas.
We hope that you find the Good Works Project to be a worthy cause.
We hope you connect with us and contribute to the mission. We have big plans. As more and more people get involved, our collective capability to do good expands. We want to tap into that potential, and get hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people involved. We want to think BIG and go FAST, and spark the creative genius of the crowd to sustain our efforts and attract others who share our vision to do good things for a world that desperately needs it.
If you would like to help support our Good Works with a financial contribution, you can donate here.